Sunday, 4 December 2011

Alice Glass...She's My Best Friend

Hipster American pop gossip trending site have declared Unlucky Fried Kitten's song about Alice Glass to be the work of a deranged fan. How bizarre.
Here's how they reported it:

Alice Glass is the most desirable alt lead singer female in the entire game, so it seems natural that a crazed fan would write a dark tribute song dedicated to her existence. Lord knows I have tried multiple times to write Alice a love song, but it is hard 2 write abt the feelings u have 4 some1 when ur <3 for them transcends words, music, and buzz. I am not sure what this song actually says because it was too terrible to listen to the entire way thru, but I can guarantee that it is probably sort of death-threatty.

We must all #pray4alice. Pray 4 her safety.

There is a price 2 pay for alt fame. This is the dark side.

Do u <3 this song?
Is it any good?
Have u ever written a tribute song 4 an alt celeb?
R u worried abt Alice Glass's safety, well-being, and welfare?
Should we all stop by the city that is our church [via M83] and #pray4alice?

(copy and paste into browser)

and here's the video:

Just to put on record...the song is a complete work of fiction....with the fan being a fictional character called Archibald who is the protagonist in the UFK musical The Astonishing Tale of Archibald's Reaction to the Death of Amy Winehouse. This is put on record because of the stupid threatening mail I've been getting from Alice Glass fans. Chill's a work of fiction